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The Arya Gramoudyog Sansthan Kandera, Baghpat (U.P) is Non Government Organization and is
registered under the co-operation Reg. No. 1236 Act in 2000 and also registered with National Bee Board. Department of Agriculture & Co-operation and Farmer's Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India having registration No. BN29/005/500X/AN11/NBB since seven years. The Arya Gramoudyog Sansthan is actively involved in scientific and commercial beekeeping mainly with Italian bees. The aim and objective of the Sansthan is to develop beekeeping in India for commercial Production of bee products and also for Bee Pollination.
The main apiary of Arya Gramoudyog Sansthan is located at Kandera. Baghpat (U.P.) and 12 Acres of land is utilized for beekeeping project.
The Arya Gramoudyog Sanstha at present 5000 live colonies of Italian bees. We migrate these colonies throughout India for honey production. Mainly we cover States like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharastra, Jammu Kashmir and Uttarakhand, Farmers of the above States get pollination benefit through bee pollution and help farmers is increasing their crop yield. Our yearly apiary Honey productions are approximately 180 Metric tons. We also extract other bee products like Royal Jelly, Pollen, Venom, Propolis and bee wax. |
Why honey bees are so important for our world
If the bees disappeared off the surface of the globe then man only would have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man. Globally there are more honey bees than other types of bee and pollinating insects, so it is the world’s most important pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees. They spread pollen around, if we didn't have bees we would rely solely on wind to spread pollen. Pollen helps plants and flowers to grow, ultimately if we had no bees ,we wouldn't have as many flowers. Also, we wouldn't have honey! What would this world be without honey? Much of our food relies upon honeybees for pollination at a value of Rs.140 million each years. Globally insect pollination, mainly by bees, is valued at more than Rs. 150 billion Rupees. Pollination also enables plants to reproduce – without it our environment and wildlife would be much poorer.
Bees and Humans
Bees are very important to humans for at least two reasons - pollination and honey. Several kinds of bees (such as honeybees and bumblebees) have one "pollen basket" on each of their hind legs. When bees make a brief stop on one flower to suck nectar with their long tongues, their hairy hind legs pick up grains of pollen from the stamen (the male pollen-producing part of a flower). Then, bees use "combs" or "pollen brushes", located on the lower part of their legs, to gather all the pollen grains into one mass. They store it in their pollen baskets. When bees fly from one flower to another, some of the pollen grains that they have collected get rubbed off on flowers that they are visiting. These rubbed off pollen grains help fertilize flowers. This pollination results in producing better crops as well as seeds and fruits.
As bees have their pollen baskets filled up, they fly back to their nests, called colonies. There they unload their collections of pollen and nectar. Nectar? That's right! When bees suck nectar from flowers, they do not digest it. Instead, they mix nectar with their saliva and store the mixture in their honey sacs. Once they reach home, they regurgitate (throw up) the mixture from their honey sacs. After one bee regurgitates the mixture, another bee sucks it up, adds her saliva, and regurgitates it again. This is repeated until the nectar turns into.
How a colony works
Bees are social insects and co-operate in foraging, feeding their different types of honeybee in each colony:
Tens of thousands of female workers do all the work.
One queen produces ten of thousands of eggs in her lifetime. To replace her, workers feed few young worker larvae with “royal jelly”, a special food that enables them to develop into queens.
Hundreds of mail drones(usually living only in spring and summer) have a sole purpose in life of trying to mate with a queen in the air. |
Honey: Just a by product !
The value of honey and production in the UK is only 9% of the value of honeybee pollination and it is a very prized food.
Honey Bee condense the nectar they gather from plants into honey and store it in wax combs.
Beekeepers try to maximize honey production by keeping their colonies large, strong and healthy. They can then take the surplus honey without harming the bees.
Honey has about the same relative sweetness as granulated sugar, but it also contains health- giving enzymes. Most micro- organisms cannot grow in honey and it is sometimes used as an antiseptic. |

Seven Days training on scientific beekeeping
Date:17.12.2022 to 23.12.2022
Village & Post Kandera,
Distt. Bagpat, (U.P) India
Phone : 011-22144474
Email - info@agshoney.com |