You are here : Beekeeeping & Research Training |
We at Arya Gramodyog Sansthan, have developed specialized Beekeeping Courses.
These Beekeeping Training courses are designed by industry experts, who have vast experience
and in-depth knowledge of the field and therefore are sure to train farmers in the art of Beekeeping.
Incorporating latest techniques of Beekeeping with traditional methods,
our experts have evolved unique methods that make Beekeeping a scientifically managed art or discipline.
Our Honey Beekeeping Training Course has definitely helped our clients to adopt a more sophisticated way of
extracting and processing honey. Today, we have emerged as the best institute for Beekeeping Training in India.
Details of Subject / Topics etc.
Sansthan organize 7 Days Training Programme on Bee-Keeping for the Farmers / Bee-Keepers /unemployed Youth. Each & every batch Contains 25 Trainees The duration of the programme is 7 days. Santhan manage the training in such a way so that the trainees will be able to learn more about Bee-Keeping & fresher can start the work immediately.
1) Nature of Training
7 Days Practical and Theoretical Beekeeping Training.
2) Total number of Trainees
25 Trainees Each & every Batch
3) Eligibility:-
Unemployed Youth & Farmers – Preference are be given to Class VIII Passed Persons & having interest in Bee Keeping.
4) Duration of Training:-
One week (7 days)
5) Details of Theoretical Training and Practical Training):-
Theoretical Training:-
Bee Keeping – As occupation, As increase in Agriculture Production.
• Apis Melifera Bee Colony.
• Bee Keeping Equipments:- Bee Box, Honey extractor, Smoker, Bee veil, Bee Knife, Hive Tool, Queen gate, Feeder, Solar wax extractor, Wax sheet etc.
• Bee Management
• Bee Deceases
• Swarm control in Bee colonies
• Timely extraction of Honey
• New Queen rearing
• Seasonally sugar syrup & Pollen method in colonies
• Migration Benefits to farmers & Bee Keepers
• Selective Breeding in colonies
• Care against Pesticides in colonies.
• Marketing of Honey, Bee colony & other products.
• Bionomic ability of Project.
6) Practical Training:-
• Field visit of Bee Keeping & Agriculture
• Pollination
• Honey extractor
• Processing of Honey
• Wax collection & Processing
• Method of Per Polish Production
• Queen Bee & Queen Cells |